Thursday, April 3, 2025, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Repeats every first Thursday of the month
IHM - Library
The Library is located right inside of the Parish Office on the South side of the church.
All moms are cordially invited to join Immaculate Heart of Mary’s moms group, Mary’s Moms. We support the vocation of motherhood in all its forms whether you stay at home, work outside the home, or are a grandmother or caregiver to the children in your life. Mary’s Moms is a ministry about moms serving moms. We regularly come together through Mother’s Bible Study Group and fellowship nights out to grow in our faith and to support each other in the triumphs and challenges of motherhood and family life. Our Bible study meetings are the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 9 am-11 am in the IHM Library. Childcare is provided during these meetings for a nominal fee. In addition to our regular meetings, we provide ongoing service offerings to our parish community and beyond. Some of our past projects have included meal trains for expectant mothers, care bags for the homeless, sponsoring a meal for the local emergency homeless shelter program, providing volunteers for the Thanksgiving Box program, hosting doughnuts after Mass, and partnering with other volunteer groups within our parish. For a current list of Mary’s Moms Parish Subsidy eligible volunteer opportunities, please contact us. For more information, contact Marie Beauregard at (970) 245-5722 or